Buying artificial grass and integrating it into your landscaping is the perfect solution to help you enjoy and get the most out of your home’s exterior.
Having a long, hot summer, your grass can quickly dry out and die only to leave behind an unattractive yard that was once lush and green. To avoid this nightmare and maintain a green, healthy-looking yard, it is a good idea to lay artificial grass to keep a healthy appearance.
For many people, the idea of anything artificial in their yard is just out of the question, but they may find that they are really missing out if they don’t at least consider it.
Those who choose to reject it outright often have visions of the plastic stuff from the sixties floating around in their head. It looked plastic, it felt plastic and worst of all, it smelled like plastic. But many would be surprised at how much artificial grass has changed over the years.
What’s Changed In The World Of Synthetic Grass?
Everything – the look, the cost, the environmental impact, the technology, the industry standards! Let’s look at some of these improvements:
The Looks – And A Plethora of Options!
One of the things that have changed is the appearance of modern synthetics. That dark green fake looking stuff is long gone. There is now a wide variety of tones and hues to choose from, and many even include those natural looking brown fibers we often see in natural grass today.
When you’re ready to purchase artificial turf, you’ll have to decide on the color and the finish you want to see in your lawn. It may help to request to take a few samples home to make sure you’re getting a good fit so it blends in better with your natural environment.
Grass Texture and Style
Ensuring the best texture and style is important as you choose the grass to use. This way the design of your home’s exterior will be complimented along with all of your other choices.
Artificial grass manufacturers provide styles and textures that cover almost all use cases and can be used on surfaces around pools, in sports fields, golf terrain, and so on. You can be sure that at least one of the offered styles will be more attractive to your eyes than any natural grass you’ve seen. Customers’ tastes differ, but the choice is so huge, it’s practically a guarantee that you’ll find what’s best for your specific taste.
The Cost Has Never Been Lower
There is an old saying, you get what you pay for. So, when choosing the right grass for your lawn, most people choose quality over price. But the fact is that prices have dropped while quality and appearance continue to rise as technology advances.
The main 2 ideas here are:
- You have options! If you want to go back to the 50s of last century and buy that prickly, plastic smelling stuff, there is still plenty of it available, but most people want their yards to look natural and not like it came straight from a factory.
- The value for money (pricing vs quality) is at an all time high! There’s never been a better moment to go with synthetic grass, and chances are you might even know someone who already has theirs installed! If not, you can check the reviews of our customers and see for yourself.
The Environment Is Different
Another thing that’s changed over time is the environment. If you live in an area where you have to deal with pests of any kind, synthetic grass can be an excellent choice, much better and safer than having to spray potentially toxic chemicals on your lawn or sports field.
With a natural lawn, you will always have to contend with birds, rodents, and other pests coming into your yard looking for sources of food and cover. But the synthetic material used in the artificial grasses does not perform in the same way as natural fibers. This allows it to serve as a deterrent to those pesky creatures.
If you have a problem with worms and other insects, most of these will go away with synthetic turf. These creatures tend to thrive in a real lawn with living and breathing things for them to feed on but not with any type of artificial fibers.
Regardless of your reason for considering artificial turf, there are plenty of pros and cons to think about. While it is not for everyone, there are many good and practical reasons to consider how you can benefit, save money, and still get virtually the same conditions if not better than that of natural grass.
Here are all of the factors to consider when buying artificial grass, so you can avoid future headaches before making the decision:
1. Determine The Grass Quality You Want
Artificial grass used today is mostly made in China. The quality of artificial grass will differ and is dependent upon the manufacturer’s location, which can be Spain, China, Europe, or another foreign country. Some of it, of course, is made in the USA, which is a big plus towards the vendor you’ve chosen.
2. Determine The Grass Height
Having a grass that feels comfortable on the feet requires it to be a certain height. This height is what will make your feet feel cushioned. But if you need artificial turf for a different purpose, like a sports pitch or poolside cover, think twice about what the ideal height would be.
To determine the grass height you measure the blade´s length from along its backing to the tips end. Be careful with selecting the length because long strands are not always the best due to them bending and requiring some correction from time to time. Getting the right height will allow your lawn to remain a fresh appearance as well as staying soft enough for your intended purpose.
3. Installation Method
Knowing how artificial grass is installed is important when choosing because different types of artificial turf exist which may need to be cut down and installed differently.
Not everyone is going to be familiar with the installation process, this is especially true when you want to have it done right the first time.
In order to have it installed correctly so it looks great, it is best to call in a professional so that it is installed securely and evenly. You will be given a time estimate for the installation process, so expect that your backyard will be unusable for the given time period.
4. Determine its Toughness and Grade
The main reason why more and more people are adopting the artificial grass trend is to maintain a usable surface with less maintenance and for its extended lifespan. This means the turf needs to resist the high amount of wear that could occur.
Many homeowners who have experience with turf know what brand will work the best as well as the type that will handle any outdoor weather and not appear worn out or aged after a couple of seasons. If you don’t have prior experience with these products and services, call us today and ask about the toughness of products we have available.
Knowing how tough the grass is should also be considered so that you know it will last prior to making a decision on which turf you should obtain.
Pick a sturdier product if you expect it to be used heavily and regularly!
5. Determine the Amount of Space Available
This is one of the main components that will dictate the total price of the project.
At Synthetic Turf Northwest, we have a “Area” field in the form on our website that will tell us what to expect of your project, you can easily get an estimate of how long the project will take to complete and what would be the expected pricing depending on the product you choose and area needed to be covered, as well as detailing around any edges of obstacles the installers might encounter.
6. Ensure The Product & Installation Come With a Warranty
Knowing that the artificial grass has a warranty will ensure that the product will be repaired or replaced if needed.
You may find that brands may provide a warranty and another brand may decide to provide refunds in case you do not feel fully satisfied with the purchase.
Having a warranty is also a great way of knowing that your investment in artificial grass was the right one. But you also need to be aware of the companies who offer an extended warranty past the original expiration. It is also important that the company keeps their word so that issues don’t become a legal battle in the future. Choose a brand with a proven track record!
7. Consider Customer Reviews
Take customer reviews into consideration as you decide to purchase and make a choice of which to obtain.
Having customer reviews can give you details surrounding the product’s quality, texture, weight, design, size, policies surrounding warranty´s or guarantees, and the length of time individuals have used the product before having to make a replacement.
Knowing specifics such as these can help form a decision based on if a brand meets the needs you desire from it before the decision to purchase is finalized.
8. Consider the Grass Density and Weight
The amount of blades will determine the quality of the grass. So when the amount of blades is high then the cushioning effect will be much greater. Sometimes you want this, other times not necessarily. You will be prompted about your use case before purchasing so answer to the best of your ability and your vendor will recommend the ideal turf.
Depending on how much artificial grass you purchase, the grass will be available as a complete or incomplete roll. When considering how much they each weigh, it is important to ask questions concerning the specifications and weight.
9. Variety of Grass (Combining Multiple Types)
Having a good variety of grass that is of high quality is usually made up of one type of yarn or a combination of more than one type. You may also be happy to know that good mixtures are also consistent with color, are constructed with strong stitches, and tailored to fit your space evenly.
With a synthetic grass variety, you can expect a higher amount to pay, but it more than makes up for it with an outstanding visual effect.
10. Be Careful When Picking The Color
When buying artificial grass, it is a good idea to determine the color. Of course, you may want to install a completely green turf, but that is not always a wise choice. It all depends on the environment, surrounding structures, and your own taste.
Choosing a synthetic grass works best if the shade of green is different throughout. Take into account a lime green, olive, or even a darker shade to provide you with a natural look that is full and lush. Integrate a grass that is equal but not even all around. This will provide a more unique take on the lawn and appear natural, especially when you add some brown into the mix.